Can You Use Too Many Balancing Beads? [Complete Answer]

We all know that balancing beads are a great way to keep your wheels balanced. But exactly how many beads should you be using? Can you use too many balancing beads?

Are there any adverse effects of using too many balancing beads? You might have come across these questions in the past. Don’t worry! We are here to help!

Here’s a short answer if you are in a hurry.

There is an ideal amount of beads to use based on tire size. Too many beads inside a tire may cause a slight imbalance. The smaller the tire, the more precise you should be. Most products display application charts that show the exact amount of beads you should use depending on the tire size.

So the smart thing to do is to follow that chart and use the recommended amount of beads.

Let’s dive in deeper, explore the technicalities behind balancing beads, and see how too many beads might affect your tires.

Can you use too many balancing beads?

In quantity, different sizes of tires require a different amount of beads. The tire width, aspect ratio/series, and rim size all affect the size.

Having too many beads inside the tire could lead to a slight imbalance. We can see this happen, especially on smaller tires where there is little room in the tire cavity for the beads to spread themselves out evenly where they need to be.

However, it is possible that the larger tires might not face as much of a problem as the smaller ones because there is more space for the beads to move around.

What can happen if you put too many balancing beads?

When you use too many balancing beads, something called a “Traffic Jam” occurs inside your tire. Lemme explain what this is.

So a “Traffic Jam” basically means that the excess amount of beads gets forced into the wrong balance positions. Can you guess what happens then?

Yeah, you guessed right!

It causes an imbalance in the tire. This can be dangerous. The balance of the tires is crucial for your safety, especially when traveling at high speeds.

So it is imperative that you put the correct amount of beads to avoid a “Traffic Jam” inside your tire.

How many balancing beads should you use?

Let’s see how many balancing beads we should use to avoid adverse effects. As I mentioned earlier, there is an ideal amount of beads to use depending on the size of the tire.

To get a better idea, you can refer to the following table. Be sure to keep in mind that these numbers may vary according to the brand you use.

Type of vehicleRim sizeAmount of beads recommended
Light trucks (weight around 6,000 lbs or less)144 oz
Heavy-duty trucks, buses (26,000 to 33,000 lbs)19.519.5 8 to 14 oz

So how can we know the correct amount to use? As it turns out, the answer is quite simple!

You just have to follow all the instructions given by the product manufacturers.

Most of the brands provide a chart that displays the number of beads to use according to the size of your tire, like the one I used above. You can find it on their website too.

What should you do if a tire has too many balancing beads?

Now let’s see what you should do if you feel like your tire has too many beads. Now I’m guessing that you believe your tire has too many beads because it has a slight imbalance.

You might feel this when going at high speeds or when making turns. If you feel like this is the case with your tires, the smartest thing to do is consult an expert.

Now, hold on! Before you say that you can take care of this by yourself, let me tell you why I said so.

See, the issue is that the imbalance you are experiencing might not be because of the beads. There are other factors that might be the cause of it.

For example, balancing beads can only help you if you have an up-down imbalance in your tire. If you have a lateral imbalance, balancing beads will not fix that for you.

So I recommend you consult an expert before doing anything. They will test for any other issues you might have in your tire.

However, if you are positive that an excess amount of beads is what is causing you trouble, it is pretty easy to remove them from your tires. You would have to remove all the beads inside the tire.

You can do this easily by using a vacuum to quickly vacuum the beads out of a tire without causing messy spills. Also, you can gather the beads within the tire and scoop them out.

Be sure not to spill the beads! Then you can refill the tire with beads. This time make sure to use the recommended amount.

Suggested Reading: Why do modern tires not use inner tubes?

Things to be aware of.

Now let’s go through several things you should be aware of when dealing with balancing beads.

Stick to the instructions

Following the instructions given by the manufacturers is a great way to avoid any issues related to balancing beads.

Most of the time, the amounts recommended by them are the ideal quantity of beads for your tires. Unless your wheels are modified to a certain extent. In this case, you should get an expert opinion.

Be sensitive about any changes in balance in your tires.

You should always be sensitive to the slight imbalances that may occur in your tires.

Especially after installing balancing beads, you should be aware of any vibrations that may occur. By doing this, you would be able to find a solution quickly without increasing the risks.

Follow safety guidance

This is another important thing. Especially if you are removing or refilling beads on your own, you need to be safe. Use the correct tools and pieces of equipment. Using gloves is also highly recommended.


Balancing beads are a great way to keep your tires in proper balance. But there are many problems surrounding them among vehicle enthusiasts. Here we discussed whether you could have too many beads in your tire. It is certainly possible to have too many beads, and it can cause harmful effects. So the best thing to do is follow the manufacturers’ instructions and use the recommended amount based on your tire size. I hope you found this helpful!

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